Transforming patient access and affordability through digital innovation

Patient assistance and other access services are critical to ensuring patients can get their prescribed treatment without delay and stay on it for as long as needed, as well as to ensuring that medical bills get paid. Connecting patients with available assistance has traditionally been a complex process that is both time and labor-intensive, but Annexus Health is changing that by delivering innovative solutions, including tech-enabled services, that reduce financial and administrative burdens to improve:

Access to therapy

Time to start on therapy

Duration of therapy

Revenue capture for the healthcare organization

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Which Annexus Health solution is right for your organization?

Our patient impact

Over $6.2 BILLION in awards

secured with AssistPoint since 2018

“The digital integration feature in AssistPoint® cuts the time it takes to complete an enrollment down from 15 minutes to less than 20 seconds.”

—Kerri, Financial Counselor

“Manually enrolling patients into assistance programs can sometimes cause a delay in the patient’s treatment. The digital integration feature in AssistPoint® makes the enrollment process quick, easy, and very user-friendly.”

—Sandy, Patient Advocate

“For patient support programs that are digitally integrated with AssistPoint®, I don’t even have to leave AssistPoint to complete an enrollment. The process is so smooth.”

—Audrey, Patient Assistance Coordinator

“AssistPoint® helps me get the most I can for the patient.”

—Mary, Patient Assistance Coordinator

“AssistPoint® allows me to keep things from falling through the cracks.”

—Trina, Financial Coordinator